Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Beginning.

Shannon and I have decided to try to cooperate on a software project.

This is funnier if you know either of us.  We're both swell guys, of course, but we each have something of a reputation for being uncooperative.  Or he does, anyway -- everybody loves me!  ;)

Anyway, we've decided to give it a shot, with Vicki acting as referee, and occasionally write about how it's going.  In theory, this will make interesting "back when we started" nostalgia, as well as, once we get underway, provide us a place to update and communicate with our users.  We'll see how that pans out.

Actually, we're not even sure if we'll stick with Blogger -- I think one of our desired features is to auto-fwd posts to a business Facebook page, and I don't know if we can do that from here.

So much to learn, so little time!

"You enter a maze of twisty passages, all of which look the same..."